November 25, 2016

15 Foods to Eat for Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair

Mom is always right!! So, if you’re looking for healthy hair and glowing skin, try these fabulous foods today.. Fatty Acids Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids have incredible beauty benefits, including glowing skin and shiny strands. Spinach Not only […]
November 17, 2016

Master-Of-Ceremonies (MC/ Emcee/ Host/ Anchor)

A new emerging profession is Master-Of-Ceremonies chosen by the speaking enthusiasts which is creating scope for itself in the industry. A master of ceremonies, abbreviated M.C., also called (female) compère, is the official host of a ceremony, a staged event […]
November 14, 2016

Tips to be a good speaker

Get your knowledge on the topic – Do your research completely Remember: ‘Knowledge is power’ – The more one has information on the topic it will help the speaker to present the speech confidently. Write what you want to speak […]
November 7, 2016

Healthy Bikini Diet

Morning- Green tea before exercise. Breakfast: Oats/porridge with skim milk/light poha /upma/muesli with dry fruits and fruits. 11 am: Mix veg juice. Lunch: Stir fried vegetables, boiled chicken, brown rice/phulka and dal. 5 pm: Carrot and beet juice. Dinner: One […]