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Which country’s Duty free offers cheapest liquor?

Which country’s Duty free offers cheapest liquor?

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Liquor also called as hard liquor, hard alcohol or spirits. Depending on the dose, even Harvard School of public health calls it both a “tonic and a poison”. Although a cocktail, beer or glass of wine can be both relaxing and good for the heart, it might also play a role in cancer development, liver and heart damage and depression. The University of Rochester Medical Center notes that moderate drinking can help protect blood vessels in the brain, as well as those in the heart, decreasing the risk for dementia. However, heavy drinking can lead to inflammation of the liver, known as alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Drinking can also cloud your judgment, paving the way for destructive decisions such as getting behind the wheel of a car.

What happens when we consume alcohol,

Within minutes of consumption, it is absorbed into the bloodstream by blood vessels in the stomach lining and small intestine. It then travels to the brain, where it quickly produces its effects.

The short-term effects of alcohol depend on:

How much is consumed?

How quickly?

The weight, sex, and body fat percentage of the individual. Whether or not they have eaten before drinking alcohol. Drinking with a meal slows the rate of absorption, resulting in fewer side effects and less intoxication. Other signs of intoxication include: Slurred speech, clumsiness and unsteady gait, drowsiness, vomiting, headache, distortion of senses and perception, loss of consciousness, lapses in memory.

Thus, drink at your risk. As I am a globe-trotter I realized few pointers; cheapest liquor can be purchased from Singapore duty free stores followed by Malaysia. Whereas, Bangalore Duty free and Dubai duty free offers higher prices than the above. So shoppers specially international travelers you now know where you can buy your favorite liquors from… But remember your health comes first.